Pretty brilliant little promo. 😅

    5 months ago

    Cool design and stuff. But pleas don’t fall for eco-facist propaganda (I don’t know if this is one this comment is meant more broadly). The ecological collapse is mainly claimed on overpopulation, meaning that humans no mater what are destructive towards nature, instead of looking into the societal context and how it impacts our biosphere. For example the example of the left side clearly stated that the extractivism and carless interaction with the ecosystems through pesticide use, caused the reduction in population. With better crop management (permaculter, natural-pest defense) this would most likely not have happened. This idea of human is a virus is than often taken up by right-wingers which than blame these Problems on minorities which are multiplying to fast and immigrate to much. Often than the solution are eugenics, mass sterilization primary for “the other” community as well as closing borders and let people starv. One example for that is the Christchurch attack where the right-wing terrorist clearly stated that he was motivated by the ecological collapse and wanted to reduce the population.