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This post got banned from [email protected] for reason “Troll Posting” which is Very Disrespectful in my opinion. 😕

I mean this meme with full respect and love to my fellow community members and I was proud of the discussion and support it was creating.

EDIT: POST RESTORED YAY. (Thank you to the mods it turned out to be a misunderstanding.)

Important clarification/FAQ

I am not calling to coddle or excuse the behavior of bigoted men in any way!

I am calling to be kind and understanding to young men (often ages 10-20) who are very manipulable and succeptible to the massive anti feminist propaganda machine. Hope this clarifies that very important distinction. :)

Very good comments that express key points:

    5 months ago

    Do you realise how pathetic you sound? Women are told to shut their mouth and keep their opinions to themselves all the fucking time. It’s time for men like you to realise that sometimes yeah you should shut up and yeah your opinion is less important than the lived experience of women when it comes down to sexism and SA. Educate yourself please before you embarrass yourself even more.

    Invisible women is a great book to start. Very easy to read and full of interesting statistics.

      5 months ago

      Do you realise how pathetic you sound? Women are told to shut their mouth and keep their opinions to themselves all the fucking time.


      5 months ago

      Women are told to shut their mouth and keep their opinions to themselves all the fucking time.

      I think right about now would be a good time to check your privilege. People overall are told that all the time, yet somehow women still by and large have shoulders to cry on, places to complain where they’re heard. Wait, no, crying on shoulders, complaining, again, that would be pathetic for men never mind.

          5 months ago

          I mean yes I could have used the term “toxic masculinity” but men not steeped deeply in feminist theory tend to react badly to it, and self-identified feminists (usually also not quite firm in theory) getting called out for engaging in it tend to react even worse. And I already used quite a lot of budget on the privilege check, so, yeah, better avoid that one.

          Oh your edit.

          Have you ever asked yourself why people only bring up male victims when we are talking about female victims?

          Because the overall narrative is women are weak and in need of protection while men are not, and if they are, it’s because they are a) toxic male view losers b) toxic female view in some way inherently broken because how can you fail as a man in a world made for men.

          Looking at the difference between the toxic perspectives: At least the male one doesn’t lend itself to denying the very existence of men with issues. On the toxic female side you get things like radfems shutting down domestic violence centres for men as it clashes with their idea that men are inherently never victims. Reality, it seems, has a compassionate bias so it has to be denied.

        5 months ago

        Facts don’t care about your feelings bro

        • 91% of SA victims are women, 99% of perpetrators are men;
        • women in the EU work 70 hours per week on average vs men who work 63 hour per week (this includes paid and unpaid work, women do about 3 times as much unpaid work as men)
        • number of women in the US who face workplace discrimination is 3 times higher than men
        • women politicians in the US face 3.4 times as much threats and harassment than men
        • car seats are only tested on male dummies resulting in women being 73% more likely to get seriously injured by a car crash
        • most medicines are only tested on male animals and or humans, resulting in lower efficacy among women and causing medicines that would be beneficial to women to go undiscovered

        Once again I recommend reading the book invisible women for more interesting statistics, and an analysis on gender specific data. It turns out that gender specific data is very hard to come by, making a lot of potential other gender gaps undiscovered. Women are much more likely than men to be victims of gender specific data gaps because women were not allowed to work for a long time and women still make up only a small fraction of executives making many women specific problems to stay undiscovered.

          5 months ago

          I now could start a big list starting with men being four times more likely to commit suicide than women. But I won’t, because I assume you’re aware of all those gendered inequalities affecting men just as I was aware of every single one of the bullet points you mentioned.

          Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.

          • Hillary Clinton, 1998
              5 months ago

              We weren’t talking about workplace discrimination, either. Or car seats. Or medicine. Or work hours. Those are real issues brought up in addition which I readily acknowledged and made no attempt at dismissing, nor did I spent more breath on a single male issue than any single one of the female issues got.

              We were talking about people’s experiences and pain getting silenced, and how none of it should get ignored. I suggest making that “if” into a “when” and lead by example.

      5 months ago

      It’s time for men like you to realise that

      Why are you talking to a 15 year old like that?