A new bill, the first of its kind in the U.S., would ban security screening company Clear from operating at California airports as lawmakers take aim at companies that let consumers pay to pass through security ahead of other travelers.

Sen. Josh Newman, a California Democrat and the sponsor of the legislation, said Clear effectively lets wealthier people skip in front of passengers who have been waiting to be screened by Transportation Security Administration agents.

“It’s a basic equity issue when you see people subscribed to a concierge service being escorted in front of people who have waited a long time to get to the front of TSA line,” Newman told CBS MoneyWatch. “Everyone is beaten down by the travel experience, and if Clear escorts a customer in front of you and tells TSA, ‘Sorry, I have someone better,’ it’s really frustrating.”

If passed, the bill would bar Clear, a private security clearance company founded in 2010, from airports in California. Clear charges members $189 per year to verify passengers’ identities at airports and escort them through security, allowing them to bypass TSA checkpoints. The service is in use at roughly 50 airports across the U.S., as well as at dozens of sports stadiums and other venues.

  • QuarterSwede@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Everyone is beaten down by the travel process

    TSA has been proven to be a sham time and time again. They’re ineffective at best. Just get rid of it already.

    I also fail to see how this is really any different than paying for TSA pre check. The only main difference is skipping the security line but what difference is that really? Both are paid for services that allow the “rich” (yeah right) to get through security quicker. The real rich aren’t traveling in public transportation. Why don’t we ban private planes?

    Oh and no offense to the, mostly, good people working there with the public on the front lines. They’re typically pleasant and great with the kids in my family’s experience.

    • cbarrick@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      TSA Precheck involves a background check and interview. This allows the actual screening process to be lighter.

        • Nate Cox@programming.dev
          3 months ago

          I had to go through a full interview to get a TSA precheck. Lots of invasive probing questions about who I am and where I work and what my family ties are.

          • Nougat@fedia.io
            3 months ago

            My initial application was like eight (?) years ago, I wonder if they’ve changed it? Maybe they don’t interview everyone?

              • Nougat@fedia.io
                3 months ago

                Based on this completely ad hoc “survey,” that would indicate that they do perform interviews, but not for everyone.

                I’m sure there’s not any racial profiling going on, no sir.

    • just_change_it@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The real rich

      What some lower-middle class Americans don’t realize is that to the great majority of people in this world… we are the rich.

      In the US we look at someone making $75,000+, $100,000+, $150,000+, $250,000+, 500,000+, 1,000,000+, 1,000,000,000+ as rich… depending on what our current income level is. The reality is that even making 30k in the middle of nowhere is still better than 85% of the world’s income and quality of living.

      If you can save $10,000 a year you can save more than 60% of people in the world actually earn.

      When I point this stuff out though I get a ton of downvotes. Imagine buying a car, a plane ticket, or personal electronics when your total pre-tax pay is 10k or less… that is most people’s situation who are alive today (but less than 30% of Americans!) As a bonus, imported goods are typically cheaper in the US then almost any other country. Hair Gel that is $5 here is easily $20 USD in Santiago, Chile.

      There should be way more taxes on the highest earners and more mechanisms that siphon wealth away from those with extreme excess. Just be aware that Americans overall have the most to lose if this goes to a global scale. A lot of things we take for granted and expect are luxury for billions.