Hello, I started donating to my favourite open-source projects a couple years ago, but stopped about 6 months ago for different reasons and wanted to get back into it.

I wanted to ask if anyone here has a set system or process they follow when donating

  • How much money do you donate? A set amount, whatever you feel like, a percentage of your earnings?

  • When do you donate? Whenever you remember, on the first of the month, Thursdays?

  • Do you have a minimum donation amount?

  • How do you decide what projects to support? Do you forego donations if you’ve contributed in other ways? Do you keep a list?

  • Do you donate to all equally or do you have some sort of ranking? Is it by amount of use, subjective preference, something else?

  • What platforms do you prefer using? Liberapay, Opencollective, Patreon, ko-fi, Paypal, Monero, actual post?

So far the system I’ve devised for myself would go something like:

  • put 2 % of all my earnings, whatever they are, in a separate account
  • every quarter (on the first of January, April, July and October) donate the full amount of money in the account (with a minimum of 5 €, so as not to lose a big amount in fees)
  • keep a ranked list of projects that I’ve used or deemed important or promising in the last three months (projects I donated to recently go to the bottom of the list), things at the top get more money than things at the bottom
  • prioritise Liberapay since it’s open-source itself
  • JustinA
    4 hours ago

    When I have the budget for it, I like having $5-20 monthly donations to various projects on liberapay and opencollective. It’s automated to my credit card, and simple to budget for, since it just comes out of my monthly paycheck.

    Open source software is a public good and a benefit to humanity, so its definitely an important thing to support when considering ways to support international causes.